Services provided by UPA Avocats
We accept a wide range of mandates : opinion, advice, negociation, mediation, litigation, drafting, training.
Terms and conditions of access
- You must be an agricultural producer
- The legal issue must not be between two producers or between a producer and the UPA or a group of producers
Like any private practice firm, UPA Avocats reserves the right to accept or refuse a mandate due to the unavailability of lawyers or other criteria. Services are billable at a competitive rate and are offered throughout the province of Quebec. Please note that we do not provide matrimonial or estate law services.
Services provided
- Production and marketing
- Collective marketing agreements
- Regulatory drafting
- Contracts (purchase, sale, rental)
- Animal welfare
- Programs and subsidies
- Governance and ethical issues
- Permits and authorizations
- Wetlands and bodies of water
- Watercourses and ditches
- Tree felling
- Nuisance
- Pesticides
- Sustainable development
- Preservation of agricultural land and agricultural activities
- Municipal by-laws (zoning, construction, urban planning)
- Permits and authorizations
- Acquired rights and derogatory uses
- Separation distances standards
- Municipal taxation
- Real estate assessment
- Expropriation
- Encroachment and infringement of property rights
- Easements (right of way, conservation, public utility)
- Boundary delimitation procedures
- Acquisitive prescription
- Common works
- Damage action
- Neighbourhood annoyances
- Latent defects
- Defamation
- Statements of offence (Highway Safety Code, Municipal law, Environmental law, etc.)
- Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs)
- Access to information and privacy protection related matters
- Farm buildings construction standards
- Labour law
- Insurance and claims
Legal columns
6 November 2024
Le morcellement par testament
En zone agricole, nul ne peut, sans l’autorisation de la Commission de protection du territoire et…
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Our publications
29 June 2023
La sécurité routière pour le monde agricole... en un coup d’œil!
Mise en garde Nous reprenons dans cette page le contenu de la brochure résumant le…
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