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21st edition of Mangeons Local Open House: Submit your application!

Published on 17 February 2025 - By l'UPA

Category :

The Mangeons Local Open House Day is a unique opportunity to showcase your business and connect with the citizens of your region!

If your farm is selected, you will receive support from our federation to help organize the event, as well as a lump sum to assist you in bringing your project to life.

Before submitting your application, we invite you to review the selection criteria.

Informative and Awareness Component

The main goal of this event is to give the public a better understanding of how the agricultural sector operates in Quebec. What does the daily life of our farmers look like? What products come from our territory? To achieve this, each participating farm must organize informative activities.

Farms must comply with UPA regulations, their respective specialized groups, and Attestra (for sectors under regulation). The updated selection criteria will be sent out in mid-February.

Additionally, farms must uphold the values of Quebec’s agricultural unionism and present a positive image of the UPA.

Selected farms must be both clean and safe. The host producers and regional federations must ensure that these conditions are met during the event. It is important to pay special attention to these requirements when making your selection and, if necessary, to plan a preliminary visit.

How to Apply

To submit your application, please send an email to including:

  • Your business name
  • The name(s) of the responsible person(s)
  • Your contact information
  • In a few words: Why should your farm be visited during the Open House?

Selected farms will be contacted at the beginning of April.