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What can the UPA do for you?

The UPA represents the thousands of farm and forest producers who leverage their collective action to bring about policy changes allowing them:

  • To increase their income (through collective marketing, crop insurance and stabilization insurance, property tax credits, adequate financing, supply management, various pieces of legislation, grants and subsidies, etc.)
  • To continue practising their profession (through protection of farmland and farming activities, support for new farmers, promoting the profession, the professional defence fund, etc.)

This collective action also makes it possible for all producers to work:

  • To develop services specializing in agriculture (accounting and tax services, labour, workplace safety, training, research, innovation, etc.)
  • To improve their professional practices, both in the public interest and in response to the expectations of Quebec society (agri-environment, traceability, food safety, quality, etc.)

As a farm producer recognized by law, you must pay dues to the UPA. Because all producers benefit from the actions of the UPA, these dues are mandatory for everyone, as is the case with all other unions.

Find out more about how the UPA’s financing works This link will open in a new window

Become a member and reap the benefits!

Becoming a UPA member is optional and does not cost anything extra. We would be glad to count you among us. Across the province, nearly 93 percent of Quebec farm producers have decided to join!

When you join the UPA, you become an active participant in your organization with full voting rights at AGMs (see the Consultations and AGMs section This link will open in a new window) and the chance to represent other producers within your territory or production sector (see the Becoming a director section This link will open in a new window).

Exclusive member benefits

Disability insurance

You will be covered by SOLO Sécuriterre.

In collaboration with Desjardins

To register for this insurance, call 1-888-558-5525.

Accidental death insurance

Beneficiaries receive $2,000 in the event of accidental death.

In collaboration with Desjardins

To register for this insurance, call the UPA Dues Service at 450-679-0540, ext. 8212 or email

Producer discounts


Get an average discount of 40 percent off farm vehicle registration (truck, minivan, or van).



Receive a special rate for buildings and equipment used for agricultural purposes only (farm operations, plant crops, or animal husbandry). This link will open in a new window | 1-877-956-5696

Enjoy a free subscription to La Terre de chez nous.

All new farm producers are entitled to three months’ subscription to La Terre de chez nousThis link will open in a new window free of charge; new UPA members are entitled to a further three months free of charge. 

Note: To take advantage of this benefit, you must sign and submit the personal information disclosure consent form, which will authorize the UPA to share your contact information with La Terre de chez nous.

To find out more, call 450-679-0540, ext. 8211

UPA Benefit Program

Take advantage of various discounts from UPA partners.

Learn more

Reference document